Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Happy Holidays From AsisChem!

The year is drawing to a close, and it is a great time to pause and reflect on the events of the last twelve tumultuous months. Most people would describe 2009 as difficult, stressful and filled with uncertainty. There has been no shortage of layoffs, big pharma mergers, biotech bankruptcies and consolidation in the pharma services industry. The shake-ups have touched virtually every professional in the pharma and biotech industries. Here at AsisChem, we also faced many challenges as we grew over 100% year over year.

The good news is that this year is over, and 2010 promises to be quite a bit different, with many companies having completed their restructuring and receiving funding for new drug discovery and development projects. We are working with a number of companies now with a very positive outlook for the next 12 months, and we are excited to be part of several discovery efforts to develop therapeutics for oncology, anti-viral, CNS and several other indications.

We would like to extend our best wishes to our current, past and future customers, our partners, and all others reading this blog.

Happy Holidays!!!